Nordic Filter Baskets



30172687 30172689 30172709 30172700

Nordic Filter Baskets



30172687 30172689 30172709 30172700
Ships with FedEx Fast delivery from Ontario, Canada
These baskets are also used on Sunrise, Master Spa and others.

*These products are special order - please expect an additional delay receiving these part.

30172687, Short basket, used on Nordic Hot Tubs 2017 and older (Black) with 25 square foot filtration. 

30172689, Short basket, used on Nordic Hot Tubs 2018 and newer (Graphite Grey) with 25 square foot filtration but can also replace 2018 and older baskets (black). Approximately 6.5" diameter


30172709, Taller basket, used on Nordic Hot Tubs with 50 Sq Ft filtration (Graphite Grey). Also known as #1298B, #25351-909-200, #25351-907-200. Used telescoping weir pictured below.

30172700, Floating Weir Assembly for Elite Filter

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