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Test Strips

AquaCheck test strips check for chlorine, pH, alkalinity and stabilizer.
  • Ideal for customers who use chlorine as a spa sanitizer
  • Test for stabilizer, which measures chlorine dissipation from UV rays
  • Contains 50 test strips
Aquacheck chlorine test strips

Water Balancers

Keep your pH and alkalinity levels balanced.
  • Alka-Up: Raises the total alkalinity of spa
  • pH Down: Lowers the pH of spa
  • pH Up: Raises the pH of spa
Jacuzzi Alka-up, pH Down and pH Up

Spa Shock

Breaks down contaminants and makes sanitizers more effective.
  • Removes chloramines (improved smell and freshness)
  • Lowers the amound of sanitizer needed
  • Breaks down organics and oils in spa
Jacuzzi Spa Shock

Chlorine Granules

Conditioner to make your spa water ultra soft and clear.
  • Helps keep pH and Alkalinity balanced
  • Fresh Smelling Water
  • Crystal clear water
  • Soft and smooth water
Jacuzzi Chlorinating Granules


Helps to absorb oils and debris in your spa that would normally stay trapped.
  • Traps body oils, suntan lotions, make-up, dirt, grime and more
  • Easy to use - toss it into spa and replace when it starts to sink
  • Helps reduce spa odours
Zorbie sponge - absorbs various oils from spa water

Ultra Spa

Conditioner to make your spa water ultra soft and clear.
  • Helps keep pH and Alkalinity balanced
  • Fresh Smelling Water
  • Crystal clear water
  • Soft and smooth water
Jacuzzi Ultra Spa - water conditioner that helps make your water clear and blue.

Stain and Scale

Protects your spa against hard water, other minerals, and rust.
  • Directions:
  • Add a capful to your spa weely to prevent calcium and other mineral buildup as well as rust
  • Add two capfuls when refilling spa water
Jacuzzi Stain and Scale - prevent mineral buildup and rust.


Mineral sanitizer that helps keep water clean and clear.
  • Eco-friendly way to control bacteria, irritants and metals
  • Helps eliminate chemical odours
  • Low maintenance; lasts up to 4 months
Nature2 Spa Stick - mineral sanitizer that sits in filter.

Spa Solution

Conditioning formula that reduces the ned for balancing chemicals.
  • Add an entire bottle to spa to help lock in chemical levels for 3 months
  • Helps with skin and eye irritation, as well as rashes from chemicals
  • Helps keep water extra clean and clear
Spa Solution - water conditioner that helps keeps water balanced.

PharmaSpa Crystals

PharmaSpa is the first company to create therapeutic fragranced for spas and hot tubs.
  • Soothing effects help with relaxation
  • 9 varieties with unique focuses
  • Recommended for people with muscle aches
PharmaSpa aromatherapy crystals

Water care Bundles

  • The chemicals you need in one convenient package.
  • Save 10% when you Subscribe
water care chemical bundle - various Jacuzzi chemicals

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